The Story
One thing is certain about human nature...we’re born talkers. Our urge to communicate is universal. And now with modern technology we can meet anybody… anywhere… at anytime. Crackberry’d takes a hard look at how computers and the latest cell phone technology affect our families and our co-workers in addition to our own lives.
“I don’t think I’ve met a single person who says they’re happy managing the technology pace,” says Tod Maffin, a Canadian expert on technology use. “One of the problems with living in an ‘always on’ society is we perceive the need to always be on.”
In this provocative, fast paced, funny and shocking documentary, Crackberry’d examines the risks associated with using our tech gear behind the wheel of the car, at home, as well as at the office where cell phone use in meetings have re-written the rules of etiquette. We discover that there is growing concern that our technology use has turned us into a distracted nation. That the emphasis is shifting from deep thinking to getting superficial knowledge fast and that despite what we think, we’re not very good at multi-tasking with all those devices.
Directed by Andrew Blicq (The Truth About Liars, Vietnam: Canada’s Shadow War), and featuring interviews with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and author Don Tapscott (Wikinomics, Grown Up Digital), Crackberry’d takes measure of how technology devices are affecting our personal lives both for the good and the bad, and leaves us with an important question: Can we manage the technology around us, or will we let it manage us?
Directed by:
Distribution & Educational Sales
For distribution and sales information (North America), please contact Merit Entertainment Inc.
For distribution and sales information (World, excluding North America), please contact TVF International.
Educational Sales:
To purchase this title for Educational use (North America), please visit our educational sales store.
To purchase this title for Educational use (World, excluding North America), please contact TVF International.
International Broadcast Version / DVD - 52 min
CBC Version - 42 min (Title: Are We Digital Dummies?)
Press Materials

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